Life, Recovery, and Purpose Coaching
Discover Your Mission and Develop a Plan You Can Take Action On with Confidence and Boldness. Schedule a Consultation Now!Visit Our BlogPositive Life Change and Direction Does Not Happen by Accident. In our Action or Inaction, We Choose the Course We Take.
Coaching can bring you clarity and peace of mind as you (re)discover your purpose and mission. Life brings change and times of transition, but you needn’t be stuck, frustrated or confused any longer. Coaching guides you to a clear plan to passion, purpose and action.
Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consult
To save time, submit the initial coaching intake forms to speed up the process, and begin discovery more efficiently.
Rediscover Your Mission and Purpose
Create a 90-Day Actionable Plan
With your purpose defined, your goals and plans clarified, your next step are identified and scheduled.

The Process
Why do I need a a coach?
It is client focused and client driven in the real sense that as the client, your goals and desired outcomes are yours and not the coaches.
A professional coach leaves his or her own plans for you out of the process. Asking the right questions is the job of the coach to help you discover the answers you are searching for. Quite likely the answers are within you and a professional coach will support you in that discovery process.
Make no mistake, coaching is a process. This means it will take time and no two clients and goals will have the same timeline.
Is it worth it? Absolutely!
“If you don’t change the direction you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you’re going.” John Maxwell
Meet The Coach
Dan Wobschall
In 2011 Dan heard God calling him to disciple and mentor men. God had just a year before that set Dan free from a 30 year-long addictive relationship with pornography. He willingly accepted, knowing fully the Gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to set the captives free. He embraces the teaching of Luke 12: 48 “..Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand more.”
He knows how much he’s been given and for Dan, it’s a privilege to serve and give back to others. He understands the value of people who were willing to encourage him, pour their time, energy and wisdom into his life. His purpose and calling has been greatly shaped by those experiences.
Meet The Coach
Reese Crane
Reese’s style of helping to mentor those who are struggling with their sex addiction is to reignite the identity of the addict. Reese believes that men who have traded in their spiritual authority for sexual addiction need to understand who they are as children of the MOST HIGH GOD – PRINCES in the kingdom, and that it is the Father’s good pleasure to restore their authority in the Kingdom and to fulfill their God-given purpose for being created.
Most recently, Reese has joined with the ministry Be Broken and is a counselor for their Gateway To Freedom weekend intensives for sex addicts.